Sunday, January 31, 2010


My newest tat:

I have changed my mind about the Joan of Arc tattoo. I think I want the Archangel Micheal slaying Lucifer instead. Just need to find the right artwork.

Blue Dolphin Tattoo

Blue Dolphin TattooBlue Dolphin Tattoo

Sexy Girl Body Painting

Couple Dance Body Painting

Punk Style Body Painting

Silent Action Body Painting

Indian Couple Body Painting

Beautyful Body Painting

Modern Couple Body Painting

Pregnancy Body Painting

Half Alien and Monster Body Painting

Fantasy Eye and Meditation Body Painting

Anime Body Painting on Sexy Girl

Natural Concept Couple Body Painting

Sexy Couple Body Painting

Galaxy Style Body Painting

Body Painting Photos

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hari Sabtu kemarin, adik saya tumben-tumbennya membeli majalah Girlfriend. Dan lebih kagetnya lagi ternyata majalah itu belum dibayar alias ngutang ke tukang majalah langganan di sekolah. Aduh..aduh.. Sebagai magazine freak, jujur saja saya jarang membeli majalah Girlfriend.

Tetapi setelah dilihat-lihat... Kok majalah ini bagus juga yaa. Banyak sekali tips-tips yang berguna. Nah ada nih page tentang BE HAPPY yang sempat 'membangunkan' saya.

Cewek yang happy itu...
  • Selalu berpikir positif
  • Merupakan teman yang baik
  • Selalu menyebarkan cinta
  • Berani menghadapi tantangan
  • Tahu cara berterima kasih
  • Tahu kapan harus beristirahat
  • Tahu apa yang menjadi tujuan hidupnya
  • Punya pola makan dan olahraga yang baik
  • Selalu have fun!

How to get HAPPY:
  1. Clarity. Pasang tujuan yang positif buat diri sendiri.
  2. Healthy living. Lakukan hal yang baik demi kesehatan dan badanmu.
  3. Optimism. Lebih fokus untuk terus berpikir dan bersikap optimis.
  4. Others. Lakukan sesuatu buat meningkatkan kualitas hubunganmu dengan orang lain. Show them how you really care.
  5. Strenghts. Cari tahu dan gunakan semua kelebihanmu demi cita-cita.
  6. Enjoy the moment. Lebih menghargai semua yang ada di sekitarmu.
Saya menyadari akhir-akhir ini saya terlalu memikirkan segalanya dan lebih banyak bersedih... C'mon get up and be happy! :D

Tom Araya Tattoos

Tom Araya is an amazingly talented Chilean musician known for being the bass player and vocalist of the thrash metal band, Slayer.

Tom Araya has many tattoos on his body, including two nearly complete sleeves, as well as several other designs on his upper arms and shoulders.

Some of the tattoos on his right arm include, a skull on his upper arm, along with two Kanji characters underneath. Plus many designs within his sleeve, including a star and bio-hazard symbol, plus a bracelet of sorts.

Contained within the sleeve on his left arm is the faces of three women, one of which resembles Jackie Onassis.

Tom also has a handful of other tattoos on his upper left arm and shoulder area, however they are rather difficult to identify clearly.

Rafael Araújo Tattoos

Rafael Araújo is a professinal Brazilian basketball player who has also spent some time in the NBA with the Toronto Raptors and Utah Jazz.

Rafael has quite a few tattoo designs, mainly on his arms and back.

On his left arm is a tattoo of a hand holding a basketball, along with 3 Kanji characters.

On his right arm is a large tattoo of a cartoon style shark with its tongue sticking out, along with a couple more larger Kanji characters, on his bicep and shoulder.

Rafael Araújo also has a rather large tribal style tattoo across the top of his back.

Body Painting Swimsuit

Body Painting Swimsuit

The Big Red Dragon Tattoo

The Big Red Dragon Tattoo

Body Painting Art By Design Lingerie

Body Painting Art By Design Lingerie
Body Painting Art By Design Lingerie
Body Painting Art By Design Lingerie
Body Painting Art By Design Lingerie

Hand & Body Painting Design Looks So Good

Hand & Body Painting Design Looks So Good
Body painting is one of the most famous forms of sketching that has become popular in the past few years. Let’s take a look at these fabulous hand painting art by Mario Mariotti an Italian artist from Florence.
more faboulus hand & body painting

Scary Theme For Body Painting Festival In Austria

Scary Theme For Body Painting Festival In Austria
Scary Theme For Body Painting Festival In Austria

Some Theme Body Painting From Japanese Models

Some Theme Body Painting From Japanese Models
Some Theme Body Painting From Japanese Models
Some Theme Body Painting From Japanese Models
Some Theme Body Painting From Japanese Models
Some Theme Body Painting From Japanese Models

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