Monday, November 30, 2009

Mengembalikan File Yang Terhapus dari recycle bin

 File kita hilang ? atau tidak sengaja terhapus dari recycle bin ..... wauuu??? trus gimana donk.. sekarang tidak perlu lagi repot dan binggung, repot ( harus bawa ke teknisi dan bayar mahal untuk mengembalikannya ) binggung ( karena kehilangan sesuatu yang sangat berharga yaitu : data penting ). Oleh karena itu teman teman semua untuk jaga jaga bila hal ini terjadi sama kita maka kita harus mengambil antisipasi yaitu memiliki software untuk mengembalikkan data yang hilang tersebut, caranya mudah kok tingggal download software nya dan instal dan arahkan ke drive yang ingin dicari ( dikembalikan datanya ) lalu klik restore gitu aja, Aku rekomendasikan  menggunakan recuva... karena ukuranya lumayan kecil dan yang penting gratis serta bagus kok software nya, soalnya aku sendiri pernah mencobanya waktu mencari data yang hilang itu hiiii... nah bagi yang berminat silahkan

Buat teman teman yang menemukan broken link alias link rusak tolong kasih tahu ya,admin mengucapkan terimakasih atas laporannya.Mohon laporannya tulis di kolom komentar. Aku usahakan untuk segera diperbaiki.

Pasang Related Post Dengan Fungsi Scroll

Teman teman sekarang kita akan mencoba untuk membuat sebuah related post dengan fungsi scroll, nah kegunaannya adalah menampilkan artikel terkait berdasarkan kategorinya, nah untuk membuatnya tidak sulit kok tinggal copy paste aja code code berikut ini :
1. Masuk ke Dashboard , pilih Layout , pilih Edit HTML
2.Centang Expand Widget Templates
3. Cari kode : <data:post.body/>  , bagi yang sudah memasang read more akan ada dua kode nah ambil kode yang  pertama, lalu copy kode berikut ini , di bawah kode : <data:post.body/>
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4. Lalu cari kode :  ]]></b:skin>   lalu kamu copy code di bawah ini :  ( dan letakkan di atas kode :  ]]></b:skin>
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Nah selesai sudah tutorial nya sekarang tinggal, mengatur sesuai keinginan kamu tulisan related post nya bisa kamu ganti sesuai keinginan kamu misalnya : artikel yang berhubungan, atau apa saja selamat mencoba ya

Buat teman teman yang menemukan broken link alias link rusak tolong kasih tahu ya,admin mengucapkan terimakasih atas laporannya.Mohon laporannya tulis di kolom komentar. Aku usahakan untuk segera diperbaiki.

Body Painting: Face On The Body

Chinesse Custome Body Painting

Cute Girl In Money Body Painting

Zodiac body painting - Taurus

The Best Art Body Painting With Sexy Women And Black Wetsuits

The Best Art Body Painting With Sexy Women And Black Wetsuits

The Best Art Body Painting With Sexy Women And Black Wetsuits

Crocodile In Sexy Woman For Body Painting

Crocodile In Sexy Woman For Body Painting

Crocodile In Sexy Woman For Body Painting

Sexy Hot Asian Model With Art Of Body Painting

Sexy Hot Asian Model With Art Of Body Painting

Sexy Hot Asian Model With Art Of Body Painting

Sexy Girl Maid With The Bandage Of Art Body Painting

Sexy Girl Maid With The Bandage Of Art Body Painting

Sexy Girl Maid With The Bandage Of Art Body Painting

Twins For Twins To

Twins For Twins To

Sexy twins girls with design body painting American flag are also twins.

Sexy White Lingerie And Military Clothing For Art Body Painting

Sexy White Lingerie And Military Clothing For Art Body Painting

Sexy White Lingerie And Military Clothing For Art Body Painting

The Chain Wrapped Design Body Painting

The Chain Wrapped Design Body Painting

Sexy model with the chain wrapped design body painting looks very beautiful.

Art Body Painting Contest In Central Madrid

Art Body Painting Contest In Central Madrid

An artist applies paint on a model during a body painting contest in central Madrid.

Russian Models Did A Body Painting Demonstration

Russian Models Did A Body Painting Demonstration

I did a body painting demonstration. The Italian TV company RAI came down and filmed the demo. The model in the photograph is Regina, from Russia.

New Sexy Girl is Enjoying in Bedroom

this girls have tattoos in full body.

tribal ideas tattoos design

About celebrity tattoos

Japanese Tattoos

Old School Tattoos

New Full Body Tattoos

New Tattoos Design

New Feminim Tattoos

The Moon Tattoos

Hot Tattoos With Sexy Body Girl

Example Tribal Tattoos With sexy girl

Cool Tattoos

Sexy Cute Back Body Girl Tattoos

tattoo for a back girl

Tribal Cat Tattoo With Back Body Girl

Beautiful Tattoo for Foot Women

Beautifull Tattoo for Foot Women

Beautiful Tattoo for Foot Women

Black and White Style Tattoo on Woman Back

Black and white style tattoo on woman's back
Black and White Style Tattoo on Woman Back

Sexy Tattoos for New Back Body Girls

Sexy Tattoos for New  Back Body Girls
Sexy Tattoos for New Back Body Girls

Hoot Stroke

Sweet Laraine

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cara Setting Custom domain ( membuat ) menjadi

Cara Setting Custom domain ( membaut ) menjadi ( judulnya kepanjangan tuhh ) ya mau gimana biar pada bis amenemukan page ini hiii, walau menyalahi atauran penulisan SEO yang benar dan tepat.

Ga usah lama lama.... ribet tahu.., ya udah penjelasan singkat :

Kamu tanya  : Apa sih itu custom domain :........???
Aku jawab   : Emmm gimana ya jawab nya ( malah nanya balaik ), gini misalnya blog kamu alamatnya ,  lalu kamu customkan menjadi misalnya : hii.. gitu
Kamu : ooo....jadi lebih profesioanl dan keren ya namanya dan kayak serius gitu
Aku : Iya... singkatnya jadi lebih pendek dan Kita  banget gitu

Dari percakapan singkat di atas dah tahu kan kira kira apa itu custom domain ( merupakan nama domain pilihan yang bisa digunakan untuk mengganti nama domain kita di blogspot, kamu bisa menagantinya menjadi .com, .info dll )

Nah pasti pada berfikir hal ini membutuhkan dana yang besar dan cara yang ribet, ( pada kenyataannya ga ribet kok ) dan murah

Pada prinsipnya kayak kita ganti domain ke, jadi hosting nya tetap di blogger cuma namanya aja yang dialaih kan ke ( contohnya ), untuk urusan posting , edit dll tetap masuk ke akun blogger, tapi cuma nama domain ( Url ) aja yang dirubah ke domain baru ( )

nah untuk cek apa domain yang kam inginkan tersedia silahkan klik disini
bayarannya ( bayar sewa domain setahun ) kira kira 95-150. rebu / tahun ( murah kan )

klo misalnya udah cek nama domian kamu n tersedia n kamu suka n cocok n kamu punya recehan buat sewa, kamu tinggal kontak aja penyedia nya n kamu transfer ke ATM n kamu dah punya domain kamu sendiri

Setelah itu kamu tinggal daftarkan domain kamu ke DNS ...... untuk apa ini ? lalu gimana setting di blog kita ... nah untuk lebih jelasnya download ebook nya o-om aja ya gartis kok ( KLIK untuk download )

Download juga ebook lain :

Buat teman teman yang menemukan broken link alias link rusak tolong kasih tahu ya,admin mengucapkan terimakasih atas laporannya.Mohon laporannya tulis di kolom komentar. Aku usahakan untuk segera diperbaiki.

Face Paint Recipes

These easy face paint recipes show how to make homemade face paint using common household ingredients. Mix and store in baby food jars or discarded film canisters. Be ready for your next kids party or dress-up event.


Facepaint Recipe #1

1 tsp. Cornstarch

½ tsp. Cold cream

½ tsp. Water

Food coloring (variety of colors)

Mix together cornstarch and cold cream until well blended. Add water and stir. Add food coloring one drop at a time until you get the desired color.

Facepaint Recipe #2

3 tblsps. Cornstarch

1 tblsp. Flour

3/4 cup Karo light corn syrup

1/4 cup water

½ tsp. Liquid food coloring

Mix cornstarch and flour together in a bowl. Gradually stir in Karo syrup and water until smooth. Divide mixture into individual containers as needed and tint each one with the food coloring of your choice. Leave one batch untinted.


Clown Make-up

Blend on a paper plate:

2 tblsp. shortening

5 tsps. cornstarch

1 tsp. flour

Dab of Vaseline

Add food coloring for various colors.


Fake Blood for Halloween Party Make-up

Karo brand corn syrup

Red and blue food coloring


Add some red food coloring to the corn syrup, then just a drop or two of blue to get a more realistic dark color. Milk will make the blood appear more opaque and more realistic.

Note: This mixture is sticky and can stain clothes.


More Fun Make-up Tips:

To lightly blacken faces, carefully burn a cork and when cool, rub on the face.

For a ghoulish look, add a dusting of flour to already made up faces.

For a stubbly bearded look, sprinkle tobacco over a thin layer of vaseline.

Face Paint Recipes

These easy face paint recipes show how to make homemade face paint using common household ingredients. Mix and store in baby food jars or discarded film canisters. Be ready for your next kids party or dress-up event.


Facepaint Recipe #1

1 tsp. Cornstarch

½ tsp. Cold cream

½ tsp. Water

Food coloring (variety of colors)

Mix together cornstarch and cold cream until well blended. Add water and stir. Add food coloring one drop at a time until you get the desired color.

Facepaint Recipe #2

3 tblsps. Cornstarch

1 tblsp. Flour

3/4 cup Karo light corn syrup

1/4 cup water

½ tsp. Liquid food coloring

Mix cornstarch and flour together in a bowl. Gradually stir in Karo syrup and water until smooth. Divide mixture into individual containers as needed and tint each one with the food coloring of your choice. Leave one batch untinted.


Clown Make-up

Blend on a paper plate:

2 tblsp. shortening

5 tsps. cornstarch

1 tsp. flour

Dab of Vaseline

Add food coloring for various colors.


Fake Blood for Halloween Party Make-up

Karo brand corn syrup

Red and blue food coloring


Add some red food coloring to the corn syrup, then just a drop or two of blue to get a more realistic dark color. Milk will make the blood appear more opaque and more realistic.

Note: This mixture is sticky and can stain clothes.


More Fun Make-up Tips:

To lightly blacken faces, carefully burn a cork and when cool, rub on the face.

For a ghoulish look, add a dusting of flour to already made up faces.

For a stubbly bearded look, sprinkle tobacco over a thin layer of vaseline.

Brad Pitt Tattoos

Checkout the tattoos of international Hollywood super stud actor and husband to follow actress Angelina Jolie, Mr. Brad Pitt.

Brad Pitt has four tattoos which we know of, including an outline tattoo on his left forearm of Ötzi the Iceman, aka Frozen Fritz and Similaun Man.

Brad also has a very interesting tattoo on his back, which appears to be nothing more than various horizontal lines, but rumor has it that these lines represent the levees which broke in New Orleans, during hurricane Katrina (2005). Brad has been heavily involved in local rebuilding projects.

His most recent tattoo is on his stomach which is written in Khmer and reads 6/4/75, the birthday of his wife, Angelina Jolie.

Enjoy these pictures of Brad Pitt and his meaningful tattoos.

Zodiac bodypainting - Aries

Zodiac bodypainting - Gemini

Zodiac body painting - Cancer

Cool Bird Back Tattoo Designs

Cool Bird Back Tattoo DesignsCool Bird Back Tattoo Designs

Cool Back Tattoo Designs

Cool Back Tattoo DesignsCool Back Tattoo Designs

Back Tattoo Designs

Upper Back Tattoo Designs For Men Tattoos Picture 3

Sexy Girl With Hawaiian Flower Tattoo Design

Female Tattoos With Image Hawaiian Flower Tattoo Design Picture 10

Sexy Girl With Zebra Heart Tattoos

heart tattoo, design tattoo, tattoos, women tattoo, girl tattoo, sexy tattoo, upper back tattoo, lower back tattoo, neck tattoo, leg tattoo, arm tattoo, foot tattoo

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