Monday, November 30, 2009
Mengembalikan File Yang Terhapus dari recycle bin
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Russian Models Did A Body Painting Demonstration
Beautiful Tattoo for Foot Women
Beautiful Tattoo for Foot Women
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Cara Setting Custom domain ( membuat ) menjadi
Face Paint Recipes
Facepaint Recipe #1
1 tsp. Cornstarch
½ tsp. Cold cream
½ tsp. Water
Food coloring (variety of colors)
Mix together cornstarch and cold cream until well blended. Add water and stir. Add food coloring one drop at a time until you get the desired color.
Facepaint Recipe #2
3 tblsps. Cornstarch
1 tblsp. Flour
3/4 cup Karo light corn syrup
1/4 cup water
½ tsp. Liquid food coloring
Mix cornstarch and flour together in a bowl. Gradually stir in Karo syrup and water until smooth. Divide mixture into individual containers as needed and tint each one with the food coloring of your choice. Leave one batch untinted.
Clown Make-up
Blend on a paper plate:
2 tblsp. shortening
5 tsps. cornstarch
1 tsp. flour
Dab of Vaseline
Add food coloring for various colors.
Fake Blood for Halloween Party Make-up
Karo brand corn syrup
Red and blue food coloring
Add some red food coloring to the corn syrup, then just a drop or two of blue to get a more realistic dark color. Milk will make the blood appear more opaque and more realistic.
Note: This mixture is sticky and can stain clothes.
More Fun Make-up Tips:
To lightly blacken faces, carefully burn a cork and when cool, rub on the face.
For a ghoulish look, add a dusting of flour to already made up faces.
For a stubbly bearded look, sprinkle tobacco over a thin layer of vaseline.
Face Paint Recipes
Facepaint Recipe #1
1 tsp. Cornstarch
½ tsp. Cold cream
½ tsp. Water
Food coloring (variety of colors)
Mix together cornstarch and cold cream until well blended. Add water and stir. Add food coloring one drop at a time until you get the desired color.
Facepaint Recipe #2
3 tblsps. Cornstarch
1 tblsp. Flour
3/4 cup Karo light corn syrup
1/4 cup water
½ tsp. Liquid food coloring
Mix cornstarch and flour together in a bowl. Gradually stir in Karo syrup and water until smooth. Divide mixture into individual containers as needed and tint each one with the food coloring of your choice. Leave one batch untinted.
Clown Make-up
Blend on a paper plate:
2 tblsp. shortening
5 tsps. cornstarch
1 tsp. flour
Dab of Vaseline
Add food coloring for various colors.
Fake Blood for Halloween Party Make-up
Karo brand corn syrup
Red and blue food coloring
Add some red food coloring to the corn syrup, then just a drop or two of blue to get a more realistic dark color. Milk will make the blood appear more opaque and more realistic.
Note: This mixture is sticky and can stain clothes.
More Fun Make-up Tips:
To lightly blacken faces, carefully burn a cork and when cool, rub on the face.
For a ghoulish look, add a dusting of flour to already made up faces.
For a stubbly bearded look, sprinkle tobacco over a thin layer of vaseline.
Brad Pitt Tattoos
Brad Pitt has four tattoos which we know of, including an outline tattoo on his left forearm of Ötzi the Iceman, aka Frozen Fritz and Similaun Man.
Brad also has a very interesting tattoo on his back, which appears to be nothing more than various horizontal lines, but rumor has it that these lines represent the levees which broke in New Orleans, during hurricane Katrina (2005). Brad has been heavily involved in local rebuilding projects.
His most recent tattoo is on his stomach which is written in Khmer and reads 6/4/75, the birthday of his wife, Angelina Jolie.
Enjoy these pictures of Brad Pitt and his meaningful tattoos.