Friday, February 27, 2009

busana muslim anak yang terdiri dari beberapa hiasan yaitu blus, celana standar, rok kerudung, topi, rompi, renda, dan menerapkan sistim aplikasi dengan berbagai warna yang sangat menarik dan beragam yang dipakai oleh ke tiga anak kecil
yang memberikan kesan feminim dan lincah

busana anak muslim untuk santai seperti gambar disamping busana anak muslim santai yang terdiri dari bluss, celana, kerudung, dan beberapa hiasan yang sangat menarik, dengan menggunkan warna - warna cerah yang memberi kesan ceria

busana muslim anak yang sopan seperti gambarr disamping dengan berbagai hiasan yang menarik sehingga enak di lihat

busana muslim anak buat anak perempuam yang sangat menawan dan glamoor memberi kesan anggun dan megah

busana muslim anak yang sangat cocok digunakan untuk bepergian keluar negri seperti jepang, hongkong, taiwan karena dengan model busana tersebut sangat simpel

Hoot and Cold

Miss Mindy

Rotten Hoot


Sweet Peacock!

I love this zombie-30s' pinup come peacock lady from Ryan Mason.

Flower Lady

Simple but lovely, this pretty geisha was done by Darwin Enriquez.

Snakes in her Mane!

Scarily good, and thoroughly NSFW realistic Medusa, from Dave Newman. Apologies for the awful title punnage.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just Ace!

An old Nikko Hurtado piece that is certainly a cut above!

More amazing wizards (dragon edition)

I'm seriously obsessed with wizard tattoos. Sorry if you guys are getting sick of them! Here are a bunch with their dragon buddies.

It looks like he's about to pitch all the magic onto his hand that's holding the orb, whereupon it will smash into one million pieces and doom the dragon to an eternity underground without his friends or family.

This dude is NOT HAPPY about the dragon's fiery flames. Not one bit.

Since when are wizards 100x bigger than dragons? I like the lightning bolts though.

"Alright, I want a dungeon. A deep, dark, scary dungeon, with a DRAGON and a huge SPIDER, and a lizard, and cobwebs, and an EVIL PLOTTING WIZARD with another dragon on his shoulder, and a CUTE BLUEBIRD and a HEART with a banner with my girlfriend's name on it and a bunch of FLAMES on the other side and some smoke all around everything. Okay?"

A Hoot In The Dark

Evan, apparently.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Roger LaDouceur is responsible for this comic book Mystique, would love to see one of the film version!

The Hootman and Her

image removed at request of artist :o(

Friday, February 20, 2009

busana harajuku steets style

ini adalah busana yukata, simpel dan bagus

busana gothic lolita adalah suatu gaya anak muda di jepang yang sangat popular dengan berbagai detail dan kerutan - kerutan dan hiasan yang diterapkan di busana tersebut, busana yan bagus, dan penuh kreatif

A Hyding to Nothing!

Something a bit more traditional, done by Marco Hyder and shamelessly culled from Modblog.


Alex Vidaud

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hoot Me Where It Hurts


Day Of The Dead Good

Something a bit more striking from Ed Perdomo this time. A frightening and frighteningly good zombie geisha.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Who's there?

Something a bit different from Darwin Enriquez this time...

We have a Vinall!

A nice collection of new school pinups from Steve Vinall, with a touch of the Corpse Bride about them?

Oh, my aching sides

Alessandro Mayer, culled from ModBlog. Not the greatest tattoo, but worth it for the 'ugh' factor.

Hoot Wants To Be A Millionaire

Sean Herman

Hoot Wheels

Amber sent in this colourful owl, done by Andy Crews at Stay True Tattoo in Las Vegas, NV.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hoot Flush

Whoah, Annie Frenzel

Toon Time

This cartoony pinup was done by Darwin Enriquez.

Classic FM

Alex De Pase, portrait artist extraordinaire, does an Elvgren pinup. Not the best thing he's done, but still pretty amazing. Nope she's not getting a thrill off that radio!


Joey sent in this submission, done by jymi shores @ Newspeak Tattoo, Denver CO

He Hoots, He Scores!

Ryan Mason.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Friend Zak (when bad tattoos come full circle and become awesome, part II)

My friend Zak is quite possibly the coolest dude ever. He has great taste in music. He's super nice and friendly. He has a black belt in karate. He likes space and d&d and being awesome. And he is willing to share his ridiculous stick-n-poke tattoos with us.

In the same vein as this dude, Zak and his friends like to get tipsy and tattoo each other. And ridiculousness ensues.

I'm going to post his tattoos in installments, because they are just that amazing, so here is the first, of many.

Here's the story behind it, if I'm remembering correctly... he decided to get a wolf tattoo, because wolves are RAD (p.s. I have a bunch of amazing tribal wolf tattoos to share with you guys). However, no one could tattoo a wolf, so he just went with the word "WOLF!". Then, apparently, there's a Chinese saying "horse, horse, tiger, bear" which brings good luck, I think? So he went with writing those next to "WOLF!" to round out the tattoo. But the words kept getting progressively crappier as he went on, so you can barely read the last one.

This might be one of the worst tattoos I have ever seen, but it is also one of the best.

If you have a silly stick-n-poke tattoo, or have a friend who does, by all means EMAIL ME!

Monday, February 9, 2009

This World Has Made Me Hoot

A great reader submission from Tim in Melbourne, Aus, done by Rob Abell @ dynamic tattoo, Richmond, Aus.

Turn the Page

A tattooist submission! These ace Bettie Pages were done by Mark Nattress.

Cenat Cenut Blog