Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Fashion Show Finale

"...or I will KILL YOU ALL!"

Since the finale was a bust, we might as well showcase the most fabulous part of the show: Iman's dress. Take a good look at it; the finalists certainly did.

Oh, we sound pissy and we don't mean to. We wouldn't have chosen Jeffrey, but we have no real issue with his win. The show doesn't do "innovative," at least in the lip-service manner of Project Runway. "Pretty" seems to be most of what they're looking for. To no one's surprise at all, the three finalists all made collections that could have doubled for Iman's wardrobe. Locking them all in a room for a week rather than sending them home resulted in three separate collections that could have been combined as one, so similar were they in style, tone, and color palette. Giving them only a week what PR finalists usually get months to do resulted in 3 pretty, but very basic collections with none of the polish of the best PR finale collections.

But whatevs. It is what it is. It's not fashion week-ready fashion, but there were dresses and (very mild) drama and that's half the reason we watch these shows.

It was cute how they brought out all the designers at the end.

So congrats to Jeffrey! As we said, not our first choice, but the differences between all three collections were so minor that we can't get worked up. Let's take a quick look.

Drapey and white, with leggings. That's his thing to a T. It's pretty enough.

Ditto (sans leggings). By necessity, the looks all had to be kept relatively simple. It made for a less-than-exciting set of runway shows.

The skirt is really pretty but that top is awful.

We really don't get his penchant for putting boxy jackets over long skirts. Not an elegant look at all. On its own, the jacket is a decent enough piece.

There's too much volume around her bust and there's a point at which "flowy" enters Stevie Nicks territory. He's always flirting with that line and here, we think he stepped over it.

Pretty, but not exactly earth-shattering.

Way too boxy and "grande dame." It seems incongruous with the rest of it.

Enh. We're tired of saying it, but it's pretty enough. No great shakes.


We thought this was wildly overpraised. We like the idea of it, but in reality, it's kind of sloppy-looking. In addition, we're a little tired of Jeffrey's drag queen tendencies when it comes to his aesthetic.

He's a very good designer who makes pretty and wearable clothes with slight twists. All three of them did the best they could do under the rather ridiculous time constraints. The collections were all better than their earlier competition pieces, but only a little . There was nothing there to let us know what kind of designer they'd be if they had more than a day to make a dress. We'll have the other two collections up in a second post.

[Photo Credit: Heidi Gutman,]

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